Ahem. At any rate, how did it go?
I thought I'd start by sharing some stats.
Over the course of the year I read 63 books and 20,323 pages. I took on average 15.68 days to finish each book. But that average is pretty deceptive. My median time to complete a book was only 8 days.
The average was driven up by a couple of books that took forever to finish (Remember Thinking Fast and Slow? 138 days to completion.) And while I was too lazy to calculate separate average times for fiction and non-fiction, as I was doing the sums I noted that I read nonfiction much more slowly than fiction.
What did I read? Twelve books of nonfiction, three books of poetry, and forty-eight works of fiction. Hm...that comes out nicely. One book of non-fiction and four works of fiction monthly.
Did I ever manage four books at a time? I was too lazy to go back and chart how many books I was reading at any given time over the course of the year, but I did note that over Xmas I was reading (drum roll please) FIVE books simultaneously:
- Are You My Mother? A Comic Drama
- Sibleys' Birding Basics
- Snobbery with Violence
- Captain Vorpatril's Alliance
- Second Chances
Tah dah! Two books leaning to the serious side, and three leaning to the ....less serious side. All at the same time. Apparently it is possible for me to read four books at a time, plus or minus one.
And finally, did I keep my commitment to blog about every book I read over the course of that year, and did I admit when I didn't finish something?
To answer the second question first: no. I started out with good intentions. But I didn't end up blogging about books I didn't finish. I started several that I lost interest in and I wasn't interested enough to keep track of them and write about them.
And did I blog about everything I read? Well, no. I deliberately omitted one or two. But that was just to maintain an aura of mystery.
In conclusion: thanks for reading. It's been fun. I hope that any of you who followed this blog found it at least moderately interesting.