Sunday 28 April 2013

Book blog, part II

Well, I spent a year blogging about every book that I read over the course of a year:  Feb. 2012 to Feb. 2013, roughly.  And then I stopped.

Why did I stop?  Well, it was good discipline to write about every book and I found it interesting to try to think of something to say about all of them.  I was also interested to see how the totals of book numbers and types would come out, and it was fun to record the page counts and dates so that I could do that.  But.... as silly as it is, I found the whole process a bit inhibiting too.  More than once I found myself hesitating at the bookshelf or the library, thinking..."oh, I can't read ANOTHER one of those".  Or "I guess I HAVE to finish this one so I can blog about it."  I even found myself turning to video games or Netflix to avoid the issue.  So, at the end of February, I finished my "last blog book", wrote a summary blog post, and had done.

Except that I wasn't.  I enjoy reading.  I enjoy writing.  And my blog gave me a little place to share what I was reading and what I was thinking about those books with the interwebs.  So, I've decided to continue, but on a more casual basis.  Rather than committing to writing about every book that I read in 2013, I'm going to write about every book that inspires me to write, for whatever reason.  I'm also considering other writing projects.   But we'll see how that goes.

If you were following my blog before my "concluding post", you can catch up by reading about Sing the Warmth, Sussex Drive, and Naked Brunch.

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